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© 2023 Dr Margaret Sheppard

Temple Pilgrimages & Pujahs

Pilgrimages bring merit. Families go on trips around the Temples, often hiring a van to transport the group. The favourite spots are the areas visited by Lord Buddha e.g. Sri Pada where his footprint can be viewed (this involves a fairly challenging overnight mountain climb), Kataragama, Mahiyangana, Nagadvipa (Jaffna Peninsula), Anuradhapura where the first Bodhi Tree brought from India is especially holy, Mihintale where the ancient king was told not to hunt  by the Buddhist monks from India . These temples typically have a Bodhi tree grown from a cutting from the original tree at Anuradhapura and a Stupa in which is enshrined a relic from Lord Buddha.

Often when groups visit the Temples on pilgrimage they will cook for the resident monks & certainly make Pujah offerings at the Buddhist shrines of flowers, fruits etc & pray & meditate.

These pilgrimages bring merit & foster well-being.

Buying water lilies for offerings (pujah)

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